Why You Should Have Safe Drinking Water Ready in Emergencies

Why You Should Have Safe Drinking Water Ready in Emergencies

Emergencies can strike at any time, and it’s important to prepare for the worst. Creating an emergency supply kit is essential, and water is one of the necessities to include. Read on to learn why you should have safe drinking water ready in emergencies.

Water Is Essential to Our Health

The number one reason you should have safe drinking water available in emergencies is that water is essential to our health. Water makes up roughly 60 percent of the human body. Without water, humans can only survive for approximately three days. You never know if you will have a clean water source close by in an emergency situation, so it’s necessary to have safe drinking water ready at all times.

There Is a Limited Supply of Clean Drinking Water

The second reason you should have safe water ready in any situation is that there is a limited supply of clean drinking water available. Despite the fact that water covers 70 percent of the earth’s surface, only about 3 percent of that water is freshwater. Freshwater is what we convert into safe drinking water, and there is only so much of it. Considering that this kind of water is a limited resource, it’s crucial to store a supply of drinkable water for times of emergency.

Polluted Water Can Make You Sick

Another reason that you should prepare a supply of safe drinking water for emergencies is that polluted water can make you sick. There are all kinds of water pollution facts that you should know to stay safe and healthy. For example, contaminated water can pass viruses, diseases, and illnesses that are detrimental to our bodies and health.

In an emergency situation, it’s still not safe to drink polluted water, even if it’s the only water source you can find. Therefore, it’s essential to have a supply of clean drinking water on hand.

Now that you know why you should have an emergency supply of safe drinking water, you can start collecting your own supply today. Make sure you trust the source that your water is coming from to ensure your health and safety.

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