Ways To Support a Friend With Breast Cancer

Ways To Support a Friend With Breast Cancer

When one receives a breast cancer diagnosis, it can feel as though their life has flipped upside down, and there’s no stable ground to land on. There’s so much uncertainty in the future as their world fills with a plethora of doctor appointments to tackle the issue. You might feel helpless in supporting your friend with breast cancer, but that’s not the case. You can do many things as a friend to provide encouragement and assistance.

Stand in Their Shoes

If you have no idea how to react, reach out, or what to say to your friend, then consider putting yourself in their shoes. If you were the one receiving this diagnosis, what would you think is the most comforting thing to hear from a friend right now?

Get Proactive

Hearing that your friend has breast cancer is terrifying, and you can find yourself impassioned to help others. The best way to get proactive is to raise awareness, and now is a perfect time since October is breast cancer awareness month. The more awareness we raise for breast cancer, the sooner early detection can happen, which greatly improves the chances of survival.

Be There

You can understand that any negative diagnosis can result in a great deal of anxiety and fear. That’s why one of the best ways to support a friend with breast cancer is to be there for them. As such, make it known that you are available over the phone or in person whenever they need it. You can provide them with a secure source of stability through such an uncertain time.

Carry On

When someone has cancer, their life quickly fills up with everything relating to that issue, from chemo to radiation, which can get tiring. Sometimes the best thing you can do is carry on as though everything is normal and not treat your friend any differently. As long as they feel comfortable and able, you should continue with your movie nights, monthly dinners, and any other regular plans you have. Carrying on also provides a sense of normalcy to your friend’s life that helps get their mind off of their diagnosis.

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