Medical Specialties You May Not Have Heard About

Medical Specialties You May Not Have Heard About

The human body has so many different features and functions that physicians have to specialize in medicine that focuses on specific parts of the body and patients. Everyone has heard of specialties like pediatrics (caring for children), cardiology (focusing on the heart and blood vessels), and even podiatry (taking care of any condition affecting the feet). But what about cytopathology, hepatology, and others? Here are a few medical specialties you may not have heard about to consider. Hopefully, you won’t need to consult an expert in any of these, but isn’t it better to know?


In simplest terms, a cytopathologist is a physician who has pursued a pathology residency for four years to learn how to diagnose cancer and other conditions based on cells removed from the body and studied under a microscope. Cytopathologists are also known as anatomic pathologists. While they focus on diagnosing cancer, they also test Pap smears for precancerous conditions. Cytopathologists are well-respected for their skills and knowledge. Many physicians consult with them because of their specific training in interpreting test results and differentiating between healthy and diseased cells. You may not see a cytopathologist face to face, but they might have a hand in your diagnosis.


Do you ever think about your liver? We’ll guess the answer is no. Whether you do or don’t, your liver “thinks” about you day in and day out, performing more than 500 important jobs that keep you alive and healthy. A hepatologist specializes in the study and care of the liver and works to prevent or fight the diseases and conditions that can affect it. But that’s not all! Hepatologists also look after other organs, including the pancreas and gall bladder, which keep things running smoothly in your body.


You may know that a neurologist is a doctor who specializes in the brain and nervous system, but what is a neuropsychiatrist? It’s all in the name. A neuropsychiatrist is a medical doctor who explores, diagnoses, and treats mental illness regarding organic diseases and injuries to the brain. A neuropsychiatrist may prescribe medication or treatments to care for a patient with these conditions and provide counseling and regular monitoring of the patient’s progress.

Neonatal Surgeon

Here’s one more entry to our selection of medical specialties you may not have heard about to consider. A neonatal surgeon performs surgery on a particular group of patients; newborn babies. A doctor may call on a neonatal surgeon to address and correct birth defects and other life-threatening issues in the littlest patients. Neonatal surgeons require four years of medical school combined with a five-year residency in general surgery, then another two years studying pediatric surgery. They need steady hands and the ability to focus and work with a team.

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