Once upon a time, you were a keen athlete. Now, following injury, you’re anything but.
Trying to get back into the swing of things is easier said than done. It’s not just about the physiological issues hindering you; it’s also about your mental state.
This is where today’s article comes into play. We’re now going to look at four ways you can facilitate your recovery from injury and get back to the levels you once were at.
Realistic expectations are key
Your pre-injury body may have been able to shoulder press 70kg or run a 5km run around the dunes of Edinburgh without a sweat.
Suffice to say; things have changed. This doesn’t mean that you’ll never get back to these levels; this will depend on how severe your issue is.
However, the important point to note is that, at least, realistic expectations are required. You can’t expect to return to your former levels immediately, and if you harbour such thoughts, you will struggle with your motivational levels.
In short, set baby steps, and go from there.
Make rehab part of your return to fitness
This is non-negotiable. If you want to get back to fitness and stay there, you need to make your rehabilitation part of your overall fitness regime.
This means that when you’re unable to train as normal, you need to put in the hard work to ensure that your injury is given the time it needs to heal.
Again, this revolves around expectations. Instead of attempting to run or lift as per your previous performance, put rehabilitation as your number one priority.
Respond to your pain thresholds
This is a difficult one and one that will really test your levels of commitment.
In short, you need to be able to identify when your injury is flaring up, and you need to be able to back off when this happens.
This is easier said than done, as your mind will be telling you to push through the pain barrier, but this is where you need to be strong.
You need to understand that your injury will take time to heal, and if you’re pushing it too far, you will only set yourself back. This is where the support of your doctor and any guidance provided by your insurers will be hugely important.
Stay connected to your teammates and support group
This is important for two reasons. Firstly, it will help with your motivation levels, and secondly, it will ensure that you’re still part of the team even when you’re not on the field.
It can be easy to feel isolated when you’re injured, which you need to avoid at all costs.
By staying in touch with your teammates, you’ll be able to get the support you need, and you’ll also be able to stay up to date with what’s going on.